Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stay "Over Thirsty", My Friends!

"And Peter answered him, 'Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.'" 
Matthew 14:28

If you are ever accused of being 'thirsty' or 'over thirsty', it means the following: 

thirsty - too eager to get something. 
over thirsty - way too eager to get something. 

Peter was an over thirsty disciple. 

1. over thirsty disciples crash miracle parties. 

Peter did not passively wait for a 'save the date' or an invitation to take part in Jesus's walking on water miracle. He pronounced, IF it is you? On the condition that…providing that…presuming that…supposing that…assuming that…as long as…in the event that…Peter wasn't sure but he didn't allow uncertainty, apathy or fear of failure to keep him from a miraculous opportunity. 

2. over thirsty disciples make Jesus their supreme goal.

Peter's desire wasn't merely to get out of the boat, walk on water or check off "water walking" from his bucket list. He wanted to be with Jesus - where he was! Jesus was the chief aim of his motivation.

3. over thirsty disciples are lonely. 

At Jesus's prodding, Peter stepped out of the boat ALONE. Are you allowing people, places and things to keep you from stepping out of the shadows of comfort and safety? 

4. over thirsty disciples have a dry audience. 

Because of Peter's passion and zeal, he experienced what the rest of his contemporaries only witnessed: Peter walked on water. My friend Chris Hill said it best: 

"I'd rather be a wet water-walker than a dry boat-talker."

5. over thirsty disciples are not perfect. 

Peter resisted foot washing. Peter rebuked Jesus. Peter launched a tent building campaign on the mount of Transfiguration. Peter fell asleep praying. Peter chopped off a soldiers ear. Peter denied Jesus. 

After all, maybe the bigger miracle is we get to be in relationship with God and serve his purpose on earth.   

Stay "over thirsty", my friends! 


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